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Cross country runner for CWC Jessica Stewart

Rustler Spotlight-Jessica Stewart

Jessica Stewart is a freshman from St. Stephens and wants to be an elementary school teacher; a dream she’s had since she was little. “Both of my parents are teachers,”

student golfer

Schroefel wins golf tournament

The lady Rustlers proved to have another great weekend as sophomore Sarah Schroefel won the Eastern Wyoming College Golf Tournament this past week in Torrington, Wyoming. Schroefel took the lead

Allison Bergh, Leadership Intensive Faculty

The Leadership Intensive – Jackson

Silicon Couloir and Central Wyoming College continue their successful partnership to bring a new program to Jackson this fall. The Leadership Intensive is a two and a half day deep

Rustler rodeo cowboy Dalton Burgener sliding off his horse to catch a steer

Rustlers turn it up at Sheridan rodeo

The men’s rodeo team turned up the competition at Sheridan with six cowboys making top ten and bumping their standings to the third spot in the NIRA Central Rocky Mountain

Kirsten Kapp CWC Professor

Saturday U in Jackson

Saturday U   October 8, 2016 Jackson Hole Center for the Arts, 265 S Cache St, Jackson Go back to college for a day – minus the tests, stress and homework